Monday, November 8, 2021

What Are Prunes?


What are prunes

Simply put, prunes are dried plums. Prunes are industrially obtained by dehydrating fresh plums at 85-90 degrees C for 18 h. Therefore, they are not literally fruit, but dried fruit or snacks.

Nutritional value of prunes

Prunes are rich in nutrients, including cellulose, vitamin A, minerals, trace elements, etc. Among them, vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is important for protecting the skin, and also helps the body's bone growth and tooth development. Besides, such dried fruit contains higher levels of phenolic compounds than most other fruits. Prune phenolics have shown beneficial effects on human health. Reports are available in the literature on ascorbic acid, phenol composition, and antioxidant activity of fresh plums and prunes. 

A study was carried out on two plum cultivars using two sets of air-drying temperatures: (i) air temperature at 85 degrees C until 50% of prune moisture level and then the temperature was lowered to 70 degrees C; (ii) air temperature at 60 degrees C. Whole fresh and dried fruits were assessed for phenolics (catechins, hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins, and flavonols), ascorbic acid, and antioxidant activity (all parameters were calculated on a dry matter basis). Analysis of data shows that chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acid changes were affected by both process parameters and cultivar. Drying destroyed anthocyanins, and there was a significant decrease in flavonols. Ascorbic acid was drastically reduced in relation to process temperature. The most striking result was that drying at 85 degrees C doubled antioxidant activity in both cultivars, while contradictory results were found for 60 degrees C processed plums.

Health benefits of prunes:

1. Relieve fatigue

Dried prunes are sweet and sour, and moderate consumption can strengthen liver function and relieve fatigue.

2. Purify the blood

Dried prunes are alkaline foods that can balance the pH of the blood, purify the blood, and promote the natural excretion of toxins from the body.

3. Protect eyesight

Dried prunes are rich in vitamins, which can promote the synthesis of human protein. Regular consumption of dried prunes is good for vision and skin health.

4. Regulate blood pressure

Prunes are a high-potassium and low-sodium food with a high content of potassium ions, which can ensure the balance of electrolytes in the body, enhance the elasticity of muscles and blood vessels, and have a certain effect on lowering blood pressure.

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